
smart poetry

extraordinary guitar

My face is wet.

There are only two things I do well with my eyes closed: play guitar and type. I can't reach my guitar. Sorry. There is a thing that men, Dads in particular, do.  It's really stupid and self-destructive. It's a tough lesson and you have to learn it the hard way.  We can't fix everything. There I said it. We can't ...

Alisa B

There is a special thing that happens now on the internet as we are more and more open to making friends with people nowhere near us, friends of friends or folks that find your video on youtube and hook up on SocNets. It isn't just Facebook, but this happened to us there. Through a case of mistaken identity we became ...

What would you say to your Dad today if you could, or Fathers, what would you say to your child?

Click here for the lyrics We've been posting this on Fark.com for eight years now. The comments are an amazing study in fatherhood. It has been called "cathartic" by many. It has become "a thing." Get it off your chest. Say the things you would have, could have, should have said... if only you could. (Clickable links to past years ...

The King is dead. Long live the King.

By Dan Grigor I grew up on the guitar. Got my first one, a toy, at 4 years old and my first real one a year later. It was a thing of beauty. My dad bought it for me. It was handmade in Spain and it came with free flamenco guitar lessons in the Bronx. That became our visitation outing. ...

911 Truth

Never Forget. Never forget that for some people 911 isn't about politics or conspiracy, it isn't about hate or war. Never forget that for some people it is a very intimate day of sorrow. Never forget that families are missing pieces. Dads are gone, Uncles are gone, Brothers are gone, Moms and Sons, Daughters and Friends and the families are ...

Seven Years Running: What would you say to your Dad today if you could?

Subscribe to our YouTube Channel Click here for the lyrics We've been posting this on Fark.com  for seven years now. The comments are an amazing study in fatherhood. It has been called "cathartic" by many. It has become "a thing." Get it off your chest. Say the things you would have, could have, should have said if only you could. ...
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