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We've been posting this on for eight years now. The comments are an amazing study in fatherhood. It has been called "cathartic" by many. It has become "a thing." Get it off your chest. Say the things you would have, could have, should have said... if only you could. (Clickable links to past years below.)
Here's this year's FARK Father's Day thread.
Click the link below to join in the conversation!
Our eighth year: What would you say to your Dad today if you could?
Fathers, what would you say to your child?
Dear Daddy,
This year, some of the best Dads I met were women. Single Moms, couple Moms, part-time Moms or Grandma Moms - all great Daddy Moms. They are amazingly strong and every bit as much a "Dad" as one who shaves his face. They don't have it easy and they, too, deserve a day.

Also this year, one of my best friends, who is a great Dad, is dealing with the recovery of his wounded soldier son. It has been a tough year for warrior Dads. It has been a tough year here on the ground in America. Senseless losses and what must be an overwhelming conundrum among Dads in those inner city places where teaching respect is difficult. How do you teach a child to respect a system that treats them so unfairly? How do you explain to them how change happens so slowly. How do you explain that we are still protesting the same injustices after all they have learned in school about freedom.
We can do better, Dads. Find a way to teach right from wrong and don't be afraid to love them the hard way. Teach them to learn, teach them how to effect real change with actions beyond words. Teach them about consequences and how action will have a reaction and if they are going to act they should be prepared for the fallout, good or bad. More than anything, be present. A huge part of your job is just showing up and staying a part of their lives. They don't want you to have all the answers, they don't want you to be their hero or their saviour, they just want you to be there.
Til next year my friends, stay strong.
Dan Grigor {8->{D}> (I'm spontn80 on FARK )
Here are all the previous years' FARK threads.
Take the time to read through some of the heartwarming -
and heartbreaking - "Dear Daddy" letters.
2014:Seven years running: what would you say to your Dad today if you could?
2013: What would you say to your Dad today?
2012: Fifth year in a row: What would you say to your Daddy today if you could?
2010: "Dear Daddy" ... what would you say to your Dad today?
2009: "Dear Daddy, Here's what I should have said to you." DIT
2008: Happy Father's Day. What would you say to your father today if you could?