The 9th Annual “What would you say to your Dad today?” FARK Father’s Day thread. Bonus: New Dads what will you tell your child today?

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We've been posting this on for nine years now. The comments are an amazing study in fatherhood. It has been called "cathartic" by many. It has become "a thing." Get it off your chest. Say the things you would have, could have, should have said... if only you could. (Clickable links to past years below.)

Here's this year's FARK Father's Day thread.
Click the link below to join in the conversation.

The 9th Annual "What would you say to your Dad today?" FARK Father's Day thread.
Bonus: New Dads what will you tell your child today?

Link To Last Years Thread
Our eighth year: What would you say to your Dad today if you could?
Fathers, what would you say to your child?

Dear Daddy,

This year has been a tough one for me. My Mom died and her sister, my Aunt Edie, soon after. The last of that side of the family in New York. It really feels like my roots have been pulled up. Because of a quirk of fate, that whole side of my family is now gone.

My Mom was as much my Dad for most of my life as my Dad was. I remember her trying to provide that sort of thing, teaching me how to shave (lol) stuff like that. She didn't teach me how to make a fire or hunt or throw a football but she taught me how to live like a gentleman. She taught me how to treat a lady and the meaning of a dollar. She taught me that parenthood and family come before dreams and drama and that dreams can come true if you can afford to be really selfish. I love you MaPa.

The most Dad I have had to be in recent years happened when my Mom, my children's gramma, died. I wrote about it here:
My Face Is Wet

Folks have asked about the song, so I'm making it as downloadable as I can.
Here is a  link to a free MP3 download on ReverbNation  I also just uploaded it to distrokid so it will be available on  iTunes, Spotify, Apple Music, Google Play, Amazon, etc as soon as it is finished "processing." I'll add links here as soon as I can.

Thanks for listening. It really means a lot.

Til next year my friends, stay strong.

Dan Grigor {8->{D}> (I'm spontn80 on FARK )

Here are all the previous years' FARK threads.
Take the time to read through some of the heartwarming -
and heartbreaking - "Dear Daddy" letters.

2014: Seven years running: what would you say to your Dad today if you could?

2013: What would you say to your Dad today?

2012: Fifth year in a row: What would you say to your Daddy today if you could?

2011: Dear Daddy, It's what I should have said but didn't. What would you say to your Dad today if you could?

2010: "Dear Daddy" ... what would you say to your Dad today?

2009: "Dear Daddy, Here's what I should have said to you." DIT

2008: Happy Father's Day. What would you say to your father today if you could?

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