Seven Years Running: What would you say to your Dad today if you could?

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We've been posting this on  for seven years now. The comments are an amazing study in fatherhood. It has been called "cathartic" by many. It has become "a thing." Get it off your chest. Say the things you would have, could have, should have said if only you could. (Clickable links to past years below.)

Here's this year's FARK Father's Day thread.
Click the link below to join in the conversation!
Seven years running: what would you say to your Dad today if you could?

Dear Daddy,

This year I have come across some great Dads. Dads that didn't give up, didn't run. Dads that stepped up and Dads that have restored my faith somewhat in the future of our male children. Dads teaching future dads how to be good dads by being good dads.
There is something to be said for the "how not to do it" lessons you gave but the positive influence of good dads all around me growing their young families is refreshing. My kids are healthy and strong and leading good lives full of fun and adventure and my grandchildren's laughter. To be a positive part of that is all I could ever hope for.

See you soon,

Here are all the previous years' FARK threads.
Take the time to read through some of the heartwarming -
and heartbreaking - "Dear Daddy" letters.

2013: What would you say to your Dad today?

2012: Fifth year in a row: What would you say to your Daddy today if you could?

2011: Dear Daddy, It's what I should have said but didn't. What would you say to your Dad today if you could?

2010: "Dear Daddy" ... what would you say to your Dad today?

2009: "Dear Daddy, Here's what I should have said to you." DIT

2008: Happy Father's Day. What would you say to your father today if you could?

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