you can still grab the Floating CD <HERE> it’s a great deal. 16 songs, 6 bucks. Hurry! not many left smart poetry extraordinary guitar goosebumps
you can still grab the Floating CD <HERE> it’s a great deal. 16 songs, 6 bucks. Hurry! not many left smart poetry extraordinary guitar goosebumps
My sweet wife, Wakitu, makes these when I say something she likes. Load More
Those DanG MEMES by Wakitu Read More »
You may know that back in the day I had a cushy construction job building stuff for the U.S. military. I worked for the Marines, the Air Force, the Army and the Navy. I can tell you from first-hand experience, even if you have Secret clearance, it is not a good idea to take things
You Need Clearance, Clarence Read More »
I’ve done some interesting things. I’ve built some cool shit, in cool places. I have had some great gigs. I have great stories. This adventure from the mid-seventies was nuts. I worked for a general contractor that did only military contracts. We did all kinds of stuff: electrical, cabinets, gas lines, stick framing, vault building,
Have You Ever Set a 100′ Lightning Rod in the Rain at an Ammunition Dump? I Have. Read More »
I wrote the song in the video below the day we learned that Wakitu had cancer. It was the day the world changed, as did my outlook on the future. We are realists. No matter what comes our way we take a moment and say, “Here we are” and take it from there. So we
The World Has Changed Again and We’re Going Nowhere, Again Read More »
What would you say to your Dad today if you could? For fifteen years I have been asking this question on Father’s Day at Fark.com. I am always amazed at the response. Heartwarming and heartbreaking, it seems cathartic somehow. Read through the comments and perhaps be moved to share your own. As I have for the
The 15th Annual “What would you say to your Dad today if you could?” Father’s Day Thread Read More »