For several years in a row I have posted a Father's Day thread on with amazing results, asking simply, "What would you say to your Dad today if you could?"
Reading through the posts, it astounds me how many people took the time to drop in and say their piece, some finding peace. One after the other, stories came in about how refreshing it was to get clear of a few things.
click here for the lyrics
By saying, online, things they had been holding in for years, people came out of those threads changed. Thousands of views later and I have a stack of email and the comments in those threads to help me understand that this is a good idea. So I'm doing it again. Not only am I posting the thread and asking the question but at some point today I'll find a spot and take a moment and tell my Dad that I forgive him and I love him.
The Fark Threads
2008 Happy Father's Day. What would you say to your father today if you could? (w/voting)
2009 "Dear Daddy, Here's what I should have said to you." DIT
2010 "Dear Daddy" ... what would you say to your Dad today?