Dear Daddy, what would you say to your Dad today if you could? What did your kids say to you?

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This will be the eleventh year we have been posting this thread on
It has become an amazing thing.

It has been called "cathartic" by many. 
It's time to get it off your chest.
Say the things you would have, could have, should have said...

if only you could. (Clickable links to past years' threads below.)

Here's this year's FARK Father's Day thread.
Click the link below to join in the conversation.
Dear Daddy, what would you say to your Dad today if you could? What did your kids say to you?


Link To Last Year's Thread

The 10th Annual "What would you say to your Dad today?" FARK Father's Day thread. This thread is older than your nine-year-old

I have been told that there are many people in these threads
who have been members at Fark for years and years
and their only posts are in these threads.
You honor me, my friends.

Dear Daddy,
Here I am again. Posting that thread in that place you never heard of.
Sharing our story with people we don't know. It seems to be a good thing.
Let's keep doing it so something good comes from that mess. Thanks for that.


Folks have asked about the song, so I'm making it as downloadable as I can.
Here is a link to a free MP3 download on ReverbNation 

It is also available on  iTunes, Spotify, Google Play, Amazon, etc.

Thanks for listening. It really means a lot.

Til next year, my friends, stay strong.

Dan Grigor {8->{D}> (I'm spontn80 on FARK )

Here are all the previous years' FARK threads.
Take the time to read through some of the heartwarming -
and heartbreaking - "Dear Daddy" letters.

2017: The 10th Annual "What would you say to your Dad today?" FARK Father's Day thread. This thread is older than your nine-year-old

2016:Nine years running: what would you say to your Dad today if you could?

2015 CSB 8th annual Father's Day thread: What would you say to your Dad today if you could? Fathers, what would you say to your child?

2014: Seven years running: what would you say to your Dad today if you could?

2013: What would you say to your Dad today?

2012: Fifth year in a row: What would you say to your Daddy today if you could?

2011: Dear Daddy, It's what I should have said but didn't. What would you say to your Dad today if you could?

2010: "Dear Daddy" ... what would you say to your Dad today?

2009: "Dear Daddy, Here's what I should have said to you." DIT

2008: Happy Father's Day. What would you say to your father today if you could?

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