
smart poetry

extraordinary guitar

March Madness

Every so often I crack open youtube analytics and see what's under the hood. This time around I looked at March. As usual it blows my mind. You know, I don't play for money or fame really I just like to play and make folks smile. Oh, I like the attention all right and it inspires me to keep learning, ...

L.A. Perks: We are Cool Adjacent

If you know me at all, you know I have a love/hate relationship with "The City." The Barefoot Magic House me hates it. I need long views and nature around me. I need to be able to pee in my backyard and run around out there naked in the moonlight, puddlestompin' in the rain if I want to. I like ...

When Harvey Messes With Your Fuel Pump

I told you about Roscoe and The Mullet. Well, the time has come to list them for sale. We're getting Roscoe ready first and once we do we won't have a place to stay up there at the lake. So we found a little RV to tow up to the Mullet and we can park it and make it part ...

The Perseid Meteor Shower 2023

A little while back a good friend gave me one of those 360 cameras when he upgraded to the newer model. Knowing my love of all things video he told me "I can't think of anyone who could take better advantage of this thing than you."  I've had it now long enough to feel a little guilty that I don't ...

The Spirit of the Fourth

I made a playlist of the fireworks videos from my YouTube Channel. Three different years we have here, each one, in its own way, captures the true spirit of these JAM at the CAM parties. The sound of kids laughing, the oohs and ahhs as the sky lights up reflected in the lake. From our yard you could see up ...

The 16th Annual “What would you say to your Dad today if you could?” FARK Father’s Day Thread

What would you say to your Dad today if you could? Subscribe to our YouTube Channel For sixteen years I have been asking this question on Father's Day at Fark.com. I am always stunned at the heartbreaking, heartwarming somehow cathartic comments. It, for me, somehow makes my Dad's tragic story into a positive. These threads have become very special to ...
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